Highways Passenger Transportation Insurance
In its dictionary meaning, reinsurance is the process of re-insuring an insurance company against the risks it takes.
The most common of the various types of reinsurance contracts is the “Facultative Reinsurance” type, which has a separate contract for each risk.
Facultative Reinsurance is the process in which an insurance company that wants to insure a large risk in terms of the insured amount transfers a portion of the risk to reinsurance companies in return for a premium.
Facultative reinsurance is one of the areas of expertise of Rönesans Reinsurance and Insurance Brokerage.
Rönesans works with reinsurance companies with credit ratings of A and above, such as Munich RE, Swiss RE, Axa XL, Mapfre RE, which are among the world's important reinsurance companies, for large-value jobs that cannot be insured domestically or require facultative reinsurance capacity.
In principle, Rönesans works only with reinsurance companies with credit ratings of A and above in international markets.